Sunday, June 11, 2017



SW: Hails from İstanbul. I want to thank you very much for accepting our interview bro. Lets start. Tell me your inspirations for your music.

Wrath: Hails from Wrath! Thanks for your interview and your support to my band, Dodsferd. Dodsferd is a misanthropic band, that supports chaos and destruction. Human stupidity and their parasitic behaviour is one of the topics that my songs speak about. Now about the music, I am inspired by my own demons.

SW: Popular internet metal library Metal Archives introduces your lyrics themes with Misanthropy, Death, Negativity, Suicide words. Are you agree with them that these words introduces yoıur music? Do you have another themes to add?

Wrath: These are the most important!

SW: The vocal performance is not typical black metal style. Personally I like your voice because it is so remarkable. Is this an intentionally act to have an original sound for your music?

Wrath: I do whatever I want with my music, I don’t follow any kind of recipes. I never did what others expected me to do. Dodsferd is the diary of my life. At that period of my life I felt that I could express myself and perform these songs (The Parasitic Survival of the Human Race) better, by using this kind of vocals. And that’s what I did. That doesn’t mean that I will continue using these kind of vocals on future releases.

SW: You will have a live performance in İstanbul soon. Probably in June 2014. What do you excpect from the Turkish metal fans?

Wrath: To be the true followers of Dodsferd!

SW: I think that Greece Black Metal is more mystical than the Norwegian style. As you know this style born in Norway but surely there are many good bands which are playing Black Metal. I want you to compare Greece and Norway black metal styles.

Wrath: I wouldn’t like to compare the black metal styles from these two countries. It’s out of my concern.

SW: For the young musicians who doesn’t even has a demo, what are your advices for them to have an original creatings?

Wrath: To be true to themselves and not to follow any kind of trends in whatever they are going to do in their lives.

SW: These are my questions bro. It will be pelasure to hear if you have something more to add.

Wrath: I will see you in a couple of months and all the true followers of Dodsferd! 

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