Friday, July 14, 2017



SW: Thanks for accepting our interview. Let’s start with the debut album. What is the reaction of the fans to the 2015 album?

HALLA: Thank you for having us onboard.

We are uncertain of what the reaction were from the fans. However if we had been selling them at gigs and online, then that is a sign things are/were well. It’s been great in a very low key way. We had an album launch and played some interstate shows to promote the album. Whenever we have a gig on in our home city, we’ll always have a merch table with all of our past and present releases.

SW: I see the album has CD and LP versions both and the cover art is amazing. Tell us about the cover art. Who draw it? Did you give the artist a concept or that amazing composition is the choise of the artist?

H: It was executed by none other than Bartłomiej Kurzok from Poland. He did our first shirt design followed by the 7” and now the 12” album. We did have a vision of what we wanted and gave him the draft concept. From there, he took it onboard and worked his infernal magic on his craft. It took quite sometime with us and him exchanging emails and ideas but as always with perfecting your craft, you can’t be rushing into it. The wait was worth it and he delivered the goods! We were all pleased with it. A section of the artwork was also used for our 2nd shirt design. Hails to Bart!!!

KH: With the concept, we wanted to make sure the visuals would supplement and enhance the experience when listening to the album. I personally enjoy immersing myself in the lyrics and artwork when listening to an album for the first time.  It was important for the artwork to tie into the theme of all songs on the album and since it is our first full length we also wanted it to represent our band name. We wanted a busy chaotic scene to represent our music and it was important to work with an artist who is interested in our sound. 

SW: What are the main inspirations for your music? What comes first? The music or the lyrics?

H: To me, as a vocalist and lyricist for the band, I use the music to capture fully the words I want to exhume out of my head. I tend to write random passages, text, prose, poems and cut up words in my writing book. From there, I will slowly construct that from the very first music and riff I hear when the band practises and jam.

It’s very rare that I will have the complete lyrics to the songs/ideas that Hate Blaze, Korpse Horde and Thormentor have in their mind. I tend to wait till a song is half complete before I start to piece all the words together. And I have to see if the physicality, shape, texture, form and atmosphere of the music matches the words. It has to flow together in an organized chaotic way or in the style of Hordes of the Black Cross.

KH: Yes I think we tend to focus on the bare foundations of a song first. We typically start with a riff and then work the structure of the song next so that lyrics have space to come into their own. Inspiration comes from many different places, daily life as well as new music we hear can most definitely have an impact.

SW: Do you think that Australian Black Metal is a locked box for the world or people are already following the Australian scene from all around the world?

H: If one knocks hard enough or dare to open that locked box, one will discover hidden treasures. I shall not list the names of Australian black metal, death metal and other metal bands that have made huge impact around the world. We all know them especially now with the digital age. It’s not that hard or difficult anymore. If we were still living in the era of hand written letters, tape trading, word of mouth or zine reading,  I would understand that indeed it is a locked box with the key nowhere to be found unless one dig deep. However you can always break it open. If one truly desire, you shall receive. In regards to your question if people are following the Australian scene, indeed it is. We have over the years seen Australian metal bands playing overseas in some of the best gigs, festivals and private gatherings.

KH: In my opinion, Australia has a very interesting music scene and I don't see it as a ‘locked box’. There are many Australian bands who have spent time over in the US and Europe and Asia. The rest of the world seems to be aware of the infernal southern hell that is apparent down under!

SW: Do you have any contacts with other Black Metal bands in Australia excluding Funeral Moon which you released a split together?

H: We do. Usually it’ll be with bands we are about to play shows with or in the midst of trying to organise shows. At times when we ourselves go to other metal gigs, there will always be maniacs from other bands and we tend to hang out, drink and booze together. It’s a great atmosphere.

KH: We have many comrades in the Australian Black metal scene, and overseas as well! The album was mastered by Bornyhake from Switzerland who is involved in many projects but the most infamous would be Borgne. We did a split with Terra Australis a few years back and we have Halla and I have participated in some live shows for our friends Wolfe and Thrall. We make an effort to play with more eclectic line ups too and different styles of shows - either punk squat shows and/or house parties as well as the more traditional music venues.

SW: Please compare Norwegian Black Metal with Australian Black Metal. Is the land has effect on the music which comes out from the soul?

H: Any particular reason why you choose Norwegian Black Metal as a comparison to Australian Black Metal? In regards to your question if the land has an effect on the music, that will be best answered by K.H, T or H.B

Personally for me, I have a very strong connection, admiration and feel for this land or in better words, a desert continent. I have done some traveling in the remote regions of Australia and words are useless to describe the vastness and desolation of this land. One has to be there in all of its physicality to experience it. Some of the lyrics I wrote have been influenced by what I saw and felt while being in those areas.

KH: I think your country of residence and lifestyle definitely has an influence on the sound. I think it goes a bit deeper than just ‘it’s cold in the north and hot in the south’. The Australian way of life is very different to that of Scandinavian countries. I think every country has a signature ‘sound’ which would be influenced by the culture of said country as well as the climate.

SW: As I mentioned in another question, you also have a new split release with Funeral Moon. What is the reaction of the fans for his release?

H: It’s still a recent release and we’ve just completed a successful interstate tour with them to promote the split release. The reaction so far has been positive. Slowly but surely it will snake in. However we are always seeking distribution overseas so that our chaos can be heard.

SW: For your album and the split there is an information on metal archives website that the items released only as digital. I have the LP and CD copies for this releases. Why is that information different? 

H: If someone on Metal Archives can change that will be great. I don’t think we have access to change it. I believe that was written when we first announced the release of the album and split. If you have access to it, then it’ll be great to change the details.

KH: I think it was mentioned on Metal Archives as a digital release. Before we had the pressed copies back, we were promoting it as an online version. However this is now out of date!

SW: Do you have any contacts with European and American labels to sign contract for your releases?

H: We are definitely keen and open to that idea if that opportunity arises. We are definitely interested to push ourselves further and travel far. Till then we are still fiercely independent.

SW: Is there a possibilty that we may have your debut EP on CD? I am totally sure that the cassette version is sold out.

H: Indeed the cassette version is long sold out. Hopefully it will see the light of day on vinyl and CD. Only time will tell.

SW: These are our questions. Thanks for your interest. Any last words?

H: I randomly type Storm Wind black metal online to see if I could hear a band by that name to do this interview. And indeed it was an 80s Teutonic thrash metal band. I’ve never heard of them before. The wonders of the digital era!

All of our past and present releases are available from us via or contact us via

Hails to Stormwind for inviting us to partake on this issue. Keep the underground flame burning!!!

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